With the concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, we wish to reassure our clients and contacts that AMT Lawyers remains fully operational and open for business.
- We are keeping matters under close review and following all appropriate UK Government guidance to ensure the wellbeing of our employees, their families and our clients.
- We have robust contingency plans in place to ensure that client work will be able to continue with minimal disruption. Our plans will ensure the continuity, integrity and level of service that we provide to help you meet your objectives and priorities during this time.
- As part of our business continuity plan, several employees have laptops and are able to operate remotely if required. They can be contacted via email or phone in the normal way.
- We operate using the latest IT systems and infrastructure which allows us to access all client information electronically and remotely.
- We are currently continuing to operate face to face meetings but if you would like to use other methods of communication then we do have the ability to hold video or telephone conferencing.
We understand the concerns and will continue to do all that we can to support you during this challenging time.